
Play For Today (PFT)

Play For Today (PFT) is a full-service entertainment company created to produce musical and artistic events in Lebanon and the region. Its dynamic and highly experienced team has been involved in the music scene and show business over the past 9 years through the production of concerts and festivals. This company aims to bring together the creativity, motivation and business know-how of its team members to produce both classic and innovative events for the Middle East, following the most professional standards any artist and audience could expect.

In addition, PFT offers an artist management service, artist booking agency as well as handling artists’ booking for private and/or corporate events, tailoring to individual needs as required.

With close connections with national and international artists, artists agents and managers, music labels, music distributors, the retail industry and the media in the region, PFT is well placed to collaborate with the key actors that ensure the success of its projects in an efficient manner.