Leila Kesserwani

Why have debates when we have guns?

A heated television debate on Friday between a Jordanian MP and a political activist ended just how you’d expect it to: with the MP pulling out a gun in his critic’s face.

The MP, identified as Mohammed Shawabka, and activist Mansour Seif al-Din Murad started trading insults while talking about the uprising in Syria. Murad accused the MP of working for the Israeli Mossad spy agency, prompting Shawabka to grab his shoe and throw it at the activist.

Moments later the MP is seen pulling a silver pistol from his waistband and pointing it at Murad. Fortunately, no one was hurt, thanks in part to the panicked host who threw himself between the two men.

And that’s how you win a political debate folks: guns and brute force.

I think I’ll just stick to my ketchup gun, and carry out my childhood fantasy of being the all-powerful dictator of french fries.