Stuff We Love
Kanzi Kamel

B*tch Slap Germs, Wash Away Your Sins, and Other Things You Can Do While Washing Your Hands

SuperCaliFragilisticExpialiDocious has done it again. Product of the week, their line of… erm, dirty sanitizers leave us both blushing and chuckling.

But, though no doubt ingeniously labeled (really, I applaud the folks who thought these up), I don’t see myself buying one anytime soon. Brilliant the majority of its merchandise may be, SuperCaliFragilisticExpialiDocious is notorious for being needlessly expensive and, quite frankly, not entirely necessary.

I mean, in all honesty, this is probably just regular hand soap with different color dyes and a huge ass price tag. Worth the chuckles? I suppose that depends on your idea of a good joke.

But hey, if you feel like emptying your wallet for some good ‘ol “Maybe You Touched Your Genitals” liquid soap, who am I to stop you?

Let’s just hope you have a private bathroom, or you’ll be getting some strange looks from your house guests.