Stuff We Love
Lojine Kamel

Pure Nostalgia Brings Back Fond Memories of Beirut

Flipping through pages of black-and-white, faded color and sepia, you can’t help but think that the good old days were the best days.

Written by toy collector enthuse Imad Kozem, Pure Nostalgia is a book depicting the “Golden Age of Beirut”, bringing you back a dose of much needed sentiment. was lucky enough to get a copy of the much coveted book, at let me tell you it’s totally worth the buy. Now available on and by select providers, Pure Nostalgia is one of those books that you’ll be glad to own years and years down the line.

The only one of its kind, Kozem’s collections of photos is a portable museum of history and childhood reminiscence, and something that Lebanese of all ages can enjoy. So whether you’re buying this for yourself, a friend, your parents or even your children, you can rest assured that it will be appreciated. Because regardless of your age, Pure Nostalgia really is just simply that…. pure nostalgia.