Lojine Kamel

Jon Stewart Shows Support For Egyptian Talk Show Host Bassem Youssef

Just when you think your respect for Jon Stewart couldn’t get any higher, he defends Egyptian Comedian Bassem Youssef in a moving–yet still somehow funny–segment on The Daily Show.

Sidestepping insults to Zionists and Jews–Egyptian President Morsi remarks they are “descended from monkeys and pigs”–Stewart delivers a 10 minute shpeel defending Youssef’s right to poke fun at Morsi and Islam.

Now before you decide that 10 minutes isn’t worth it, backtrack. I’m a huge fan of Jon Stewart, and this is the single most moving segment I have ever seen on The Daily Show. Not only does Stewart genuinely lament Egypt’s economic situation–all while praising Egyptian history–he also remarks that Youssef is a great friend of his, and issues a plea to Morsi to re-consider Youssef’s arrest.

As an Egyptian, I might be a little biased. But as an Arab, I am extremely impressed by Stewart’s solidarity. It takes an intelligent man to find humor in offense and Stewart does it magnificently–all while delivering one key message:

“Democracy isn’t democracy if it only lasts until someone makes fun of your hat.”