Seminars & Lectures

Weekly Reading Group: ‘Feminisms at 98 Weeks

Fridays [From Jul 11, 2014 until Aug 29, 2014]
6:00pm -> 8:00pm
98 Weeks Project Space

98weeks is starting its second chapter of a weekly reading group related to its current research topic “Feminisms.” The reading group will further 98weeks’ initial focus on the politics of the female voice, aural and written. It will engage feminists and female writers focusing on writers from the region, from the 1970s to the present, and probe an absent and under- written history of literary experimentation: how does the body—gendered and raced—influence narrative and more generally, the text? How does the female writer—whose voice was historically suppressed, silenced, ignored—driven to deconstruct the narrative and literary conventions that excluded her?
