Stuff We Love
Ghina Al Fout

KardBlock: An App That Blocks All Kardashian News

Earlier this week, we all squealed in glee when British marketer James Shamsi announced that he has developed an app and browser extension that filters out all mentions of the Kardashians. Bless your heart, James Shamsi. A Kardashian-free newsfeed…what’s next? Narnia?!

Shamsi is calling the feature KardBlock, and it essentially filters out any mention of the Jenner and Kardashian clan from your Facebook newsfeed or the site you’re browsing. He explained his motivation to build the app by saying that he was sick of being bombarded by Kardashian news (I feel you, brother) and is interested in deeper, more important issues that are not getting their well-deserved attention just because Kylie got a new huge car to match her new huge lips that same week, or because Kim’s butt got slightly larger – and so on and so forth. The app will be free, and Shamsi has announced that he is working on customization filters that will allow you to filter out more annoying things like ads and even Justin Bieber!

Here’s why I think this feature will be a huge success in Lebanon: imagine being able to customize it so it filters out the mention of every politician in the news; any mention of Myriam Klink, every “Macdonaldez” joke, every Game of Thrones spoiler, every ridiculously lavish Lebanese wedding (because I don’t want to be reminded that I’m broke and single), and every recycled joke that gets beaten to death. It would be heaven!

James Shamsi, the Lebanese population awaits you, needs you, and salutes you. Not all heroes wear capes.