Christina Fakhry

8 Signs You Grew Up in Jbeil

Want to know if you fit the bill? Read on.

1. When going for a walk at the old souk means bumping into everyone you’ve ever met in your entire life.

If you’re looking for some privacy, the souk is definitely not where you should go. You’ll bump into friends, friends-of-friends, a random girl you met at a camp in 1998, schoolmates you haven’t seen since third grade, your university instructor and a third-relative you’ve probably only met at birth.

2. When this traditional house gets more photographed than you’ll EVER be.

This particular house proved itself over the years as the ultimate architectural sensation of the city (and probably the whole country). Aside from the countless free photoshoots, it looks like every Lebanese artist has attempted to paint the iconic house at some point. BE JEALOUS.

3. When you pass by the Citadel almost every day but have actually walked in like once.

That one time you actually walked through the whole thing was probably when you had to serve as a tour guide for your non-Jbeili friends who assumed you might as well know better.

4. When you’re used to meeting your school teachers at the supermarket.

It’s like you’re bound to bumping into a minimum of one school professor every time you hit the supermarket. The (un)expected encounter is naturally an awkward psychological experience for both parties as each of them will attempt to partake in a casual mix of nods and half-smiles, occasionally peppered by some weather talk, before moving into the avoidance strategy.

5. When you start having ‘expectations’ regarding the Christmas tree.

You’re already wondering what this year’s Christmas tree will look like and you’ve carefully weighed the aesthetic parameters in your head to compare it to last year’s tree as soon as it’s set in place (you also can’t wait to take pictures, hundreds of them).

6. When you can’t decide on a beach resort in summer because there are just too many good options.

You’ll usually end up settling for the ‘hip’ alternative, i.e. the one that earned the most check-ins on social media over the weekend.

7. When you catch yourself saying ‘esh’ instead of ‘shou’ and the universe stops making sense.

Did I just accidentally pick up the Jbeili accent? How did this even happen? Is there any possible way I can undo this? I want all my linguistic defense mechanisms activated right now.

8. When you know you’re lucky to have lived in one of Lebanon’s most beautiful cities.