Workshops and Classes

Vision Board at Soul Spa

Saturday, Jan 23, 2016
2:00pm -> 5:00pm
Soul Spa

With the beginning of this New Year, Soul Spa will be organizing a vision board workshop at Soul Spa.

This year, choose to make it differently by doing your own vision board and by attracting all what you need in your life in the right and positive way.

All you need to do is to come and give yourself a three hours me-time away from work, from social media, from the TV, from the mobile, from the kids if you have a family and mainly away from the daily stress.

Everyone of you will receive a paper board with many magazines from which you may choose what do you want to focus on this new year.
You will cut it and paste it on your own vision board.
You will write and draw what u choose to have, to get and to change in the coming 365 days.

During the session, you will be discussing your choices, your dreams and your aspirations and how to attract what we want in your life and you will be enjoying some healthy sweets and a warm tea during the work.


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