Workshops and Classes

Surya Namaskar Mantra Workshop with Yalda Younes

Saturday, Feb 6, 2016
10:00am -> 12:00pm
Hamsa Yoga Space

Chanting mantras while performing asanas (postures) increases focus and clarity of mind, helps lengthen the breath and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. It also enhances the meditative aspect of the practice and leaves us in a relaxed and positive state.

This workshop will focus on the surya namaskar (sun salutations) mantra, to be performed with the surya namaskar asana sequence in the Krishnamacharya tradition. This Vedic mantra thanks the sun for rising upon us, while asking it to heal the diseases in the body and heart.
We will do one hour of chanting practice (in Sanskrit), followed by another hour of asana practice that will include those chants in several variations of sun salutations.

Open to everyone who can comfortably practice sun salutation asana sequences (not recommended for beginners).
