Workshops and Classes

Family Constellation with Lya

Saturday, Sep 17, 2016
9:30am -> 6:00pm
Soul Spa

Family Constellation was developed by the German therapist Bert Hellinger. This modality is based on the laws of the family system and its land.

In this workshop you will be able to witness what could be hidden but is also creating what you have in your life.
Lya Sabban will be conducting such a workshop under the title of Family Dynamic.

Some attendees will receive a session in which they will witness the dynamic of their family and the changes that will take place during the session.
The attendees who are just participants will be part of facilitating the sessions; meanwhile they will be dynamically involved to receive changes.
Whether you are struggling in a job, searching for a love partner, or have an illness, this modality will bring up the unresolved issue to bring harmony and clearance.


For more information or to make a reservation