Stuff We Love
Lama Hajj

26 Hilarious Tweets About The Lebanese Presidential Election

You asked for it, we did it.


2. Is it?

3. Crying:

4. Because they’re school kids, get it?

5. This parody account that won:

6. Jarrastoona:

7. This meme that killed us:

8. There’s always that one person who asks about the homework:

9. #Brevet:

10. Ouch:

11. This CV update:

12. Hand out the awards:

13. Our astute observation:

14. Yep:

15. Joumblatt for president of Twitter:

16. Same:

17. Memorized ‘em:

18. Who will own up to it?

19. Props:

20. 3ANJAD:

21. When you can’t wait:

22. First time for everything:

23. :/

24. Miss Lebanon throwback:

25. Fuckkk:

26. Oops: