Stuff We Love
Ghina Al Fout

There’s A Fun New Hangout Spot In Hamra

If you believe that ruining friendships and losing loved ones in private is too mainstream, we’ve got the place for you! Multiverse is a new board and card game store in Hamra, Emile Edde Street (the Street parallel to Dunkin Donuts upwards) where you can destroy your remaining friendships and alienate loved ones over a hot game of Catan.

Multiverse has a wide collection of board games, card games, collectibles, and a ton of merchandise to please your inner geek. They also have exclusive rights to many board games that cannot be found anywhere else in the entire Middle East! There’s even a Game of Thrones board game, a must try.

Here’s how the pricing works: you choose any of their board or card games to play at the store for a modest rate of 2,000 L.L/hour, or enjoy a full day of fun and games for 8,000 L.L. You can also munch on some goodies from the snack corner when tempers and tones begin to escalate and intensify. It’s a great place to have a day long marathon with friends, and a really cheap way to have a great time.

Cherry on top: if you like one of the games you and your friends played, you can purchase a brand new one right from the store.

Check it out and let us know what you think!