Lama Hajj

Huge Step For Lebanon: Court Rules Homosexuality Not A Crime

On January 26, 2017, a Metn court judge, Judge Rabih Maalouf, declared that “homosexuality is a personal choice, and not a punishable offense”.

Anyone who has kept up with LGBT affairs in Lebanon would know that this is a major precedent that is sure to influence the legal and official tone in official treatment of homosexuality.

The ruling relied on Article 183 which states: An act undertaken in exercise of a right without abuse shall not be regarded as an offense. Which is a complex way of saying that if you’re exercising your freedoms and not hurting anyone, there is no crime.

This progressive step in the right direction is sure to reflect positively on our society, where individuals will hopefully be able to practice their freedom of thought and sexual expression without fears of being harassed or even persecuted.

Of course, this ruling does not change the law – but it sets a precedent for future cases to refer to.

Many people are celebrating this monumental ruling, and rightfully so. Congratulations, in hopes that we continue to move forward and progress as a society. 3a2beil the other courts!

Here is the court statement:

“حيث يهم المحكمة في البدء أن تؤكد على أن دورها الأول والأساس هو حماية الحريات العامة وصون حقوق الإنسان بما يحفظ له كيانه وكرامته ضمن المجتمع الذي يعيش فيه دون تمييز او تفضيل لأي فرد آخر،

وحيث أن المشرع الجزائي أقر مبدأ حماية الفرد في ممارسته لحقوقه، وما جعل من حرمانه من ذلك إلاّ الإستثناء، وترجم ذلك في القاعدة العامة التي ارساها في المادة 183 من قانون العقوبات، حيث ورد أنه “لا يعتبر جريمة الفعل المرتكب في ممارسة حق دون تجاوز”