Lama Hajj

Hey Lebanon, You Really Don’t Need A ‘Miss Lebanon For Kids’

Have you ever glanced at a kid and thought to yourself, “I wish there was a way to sexualize this infant and rank them based on their looks?” You are in luck because apparently, Lebanon has a Mr and Miss Lebanon just for kids!

That’s right, they’re out to pick the sexiest kid in Lebanon! Adorbs.

Who agreed to judge this thing? Let me guess, 4 pedophiles and a misogynist?

Please don’t come at me with shit about how they’ll be picking the most poised or well-spoken child. Beauty pageants are just that – beauty.pageants. They are glorified meat markets with flashy advertisers. They are the display of the ‘cutest’ young boy as a measurement of how much he can act like a grown man. They are the prancing of women (and in this case, girls) in bikinis and revealing dresses so they can be sized up, measured against their peers, and then ‘crowned’.

That’s another thing – the crown. It’s intended to make you feel like a queen or a princess, AKA someone who doesn’t work or do shit except smile and wave.

With all the ostentatious displays of wealth, beauty, and status in Lebanon. Do our young boys and girls really need this one more thing? Do they really need one more way to worry about what people think of them?

Instead of giving your children the chance to enjoy life and truly achieve something, you’re ruining them at the tender age of eight-years old. You’re teaching them that the only thing that could validate them is how cute they are, how attractive they are, how appealing they are. You’re teaching them that it is okay to be assigned a percentage, and then making them link that percentage to their self-worth.

Those children deserve better.