Mira Dandan

22 Game Of Thrones GIFs That Sum Up Life In Beirut

Life in Beirut can be awfully similar to the seven kingdoms.

1. When you’re about to have your first drink at Mar Mikhael on a Friday after a long week

2. Bumping into your mother’s best friend at the mall

3. When you’re excited Skybar is reopening soon

4. When you’re stuck in traffic with a very talkative taxi driver

5. When you’re trying to boost your newly-dumped bro’s confidence before hitting the town

6. When you’re in a service and he starts taking random roads

7. When you complain about Lebanon on a daily basis, but somebody not Lebanese merely attempts to criticize the country

8. When you’re trying to convince her you’re the one, even when you have no car, no job, no house, and no wasta

9. When you’re walking down Hamra wearing shorts and getting sexually harassed every two seconds

10. When Alfa/MTC tell you that they can’t refund the dollars they’ve been slyly taking every month for a random ringtone

11. Your mom when you tell her about the latest trends

12. When Baba thinks Rawad just isn’t the right guy for you

13. When somebody says “I don’t like Barbar”

14. When you’re at a family lunch and everyone starts asking when you’re getting married

15. When your girlfriend introduces you to her “best guy friend”

16. When you go out in the pouring rain just for shawarma

17. When your mom tells you there’s bemye for lunch

18. When you finally get in a service after an hour of standing in the heat

19. When you didn’t see that joura and now you need a new tire

20. When you remember it’s happy hour at your favourite pub in Beirut

21. When wake up the next day and realise the dim lighting at BO18 was really misleading

22. When you want to swear but trying really hard not to…