
21 Things Every Lebanese Kid Will Remember

Unlock some amazing (and painful!) memories.

1. Shopping trips to Monoprix were basically the perfect Saturday you could ever imagine.

2. Pogs were your introduction to gambling:

3. Scooping out jello with your tongue from these tiny containers was heaven.

4. Your favorite thing about visiting your grandma?

Custard with a biscuit!

5. Staying up to watch SL Chi was the treat of the century

6. You had to invite all the cousins to your birthday parties.

7. And you got served that classic forêt noire cake with canned gelatinous fruits on top.

8. Your mom dressed you and your siblings in matching outfits and thought it was adorable. It wasn’t.

9. Your grandparents would sneakily hand you a crisp 50,000 L.L bill from time to time.

10. This was the coolest ride you could ever take:

11. You have no idea how you had the patience to get all those hoops in place.

12. McDonald’s opening in Lebanon was actually a big deal.

13. You had to go clothes shopping in Verdun because there were no malls around, and Jiyeh was the top beach destination

14. You have one mysterious room in your house reserved for guests and/or royalty.

15. Eating out was a much less confusing endeavor with the unified 90s restaurant menu.

You knew it was either going to be escalope or salade panachée. Sometimes both

16. You (or your mom) were totally into TV workouts because of her.

17. The first Dunkin’ Donuts opened on Zalka highway in 1998

And it was a life changer!

18. Going to the airport was truly horrific.

19. Checkpoints were regular business.

Post-war nation alert: keep your identification documents handy at all times.

20. These clear jelly sandals that somehow smelled like strawberries.

21. On roadtrips, you were treated to the entire discography of Wadih Safi and/or Fairuz.