Mia Arawi

12 Professions And How Lebanese Parents See Them

No matter what career path you choose, your parents will always have a different vision for you.

1. Journalism

You’re a media figure and one day you’re going to be on TV, even if it’s to give the weather forecast.

2. Engineering

You build things, and will occasionally be called on to repair the ghassele, barrad, or microwave.

3. Programming/Computer Science

You’re the only person in the world who can be trusted to make your parents receive WhatsApp notifications again.

4. Law

They can count on you to get them out of jail if shit ever goes down.

5. Translation

You speak 3 languages? Big woop, so does everyone else in Lebanon. Also, why not just use Google Translate?

6. Nutrition

You can help them shed those extra kilos they put on after Christmas break.

7. Psychology

You can read people’s minds. Prepare to be bombarded with “bta3rif shu 3am fakkir hala2?” questions at every given chance.

8. Medicine

They will call you anytime they feel a slight itch or discomfort, and you’re expected to give a full diagnosis and treatment.

9. Nursing

You’re like a doctor, but not quite a doctor. They think all you do is bathe and clean after patients.

10. Pharmacy

You’re basically their licensed drug dealer.

11. Acting, Music, & other forms of Art

You brought the family shame.

12. Social Media

You’re staring at your phone/laptop screen all day and they think you’re fooling around. They still don’t understand how you make money but they’re not against it.

Needless to say, all of the above are essential professions that carry so much importance, despite our parents’ misconceptions.

What’s your profession? And how do your parents see you? Let us know in the comments!