Reem Saadeh

Summer 2021 In Lebanon: Expectations Vs. Reality

“Ahla sayfiye b Lebnen” is (thankfully) over, and it’s officially time to survive Summer 2021. So far, we have to admit it’s not quite living up to our expectations. Here’s Summer 2021: expectations vs. reality.

1. On road trips and weekend fun:

Expectation: Spots in nature and ALL the hidden beaches

Reality: Trip to the gas station, or max the pharmacy.

2. On the lines we’ll wait in:

Expectation: Lining up to get into the newest club/to get the new iPhone

Reality: Queuing up at the banks to get the money they won’t give us

3. Please don’t stop the mus—:

Expectation: Making memories on summer nights

Reality: Re-living old memories because the electricity is out and you can’t sleep

4. On your drink of choice:

Expectation: Rosé by the beach

Reality: Mawared on the balcony because we can’t afford Rosé anymore

5. On shopping and looking hot:

Expectation: Hot girl summer

Reality: Massive dollar crisis = hand-me-downs from mama

6. The most thoughtful gifts:

Expectation: Your friends who live abroad get you Victoria Secret and Swarovski gifts

Reality: Your friends who live abroad get you Nescafe and a Nutella Jar

7. You gotta keep up with something:

Expectations: Keeping up with the Kardashians new season

Reality: Keeping up with Riad Saleme’s flippant financial decisions

8. Choose your destination:

Expectation: “What beach are we visiting today?”

Reality: “What gas station are we driving up to today?”

9. The text that melts your heart:

Expectation: Text from your crush

Reality: Text from MOPHCOVAX for your vaccine appointment

10. Our favorite marathon:

Expectation: FRIENDS marathon

Reality: Pfizer Marathon