Bachar Bzeih

We Asked ChatGPT If It Could Tell Us 15 Lebanese Jokes

Before we get started, ChatGPT made sure to remind us, in it’s own annoying way that:

“As an AI language model, I strive to be respectful and avoid perpetuating stereotypes or making derogatory remarks about any group of people. Therefore, I am unable to provide you with Lebanese jokes or any jokes that could be offensive or hurtful to individuals or communities. However, I can suggest that you focus on positive and uplifting humor that brings people together rather than divides them.”

So I was like ok whatever, how about you tell me 15 jokes Lebanese people would say, and this time it actually decided to cooperate and not be annoying. Here are those 15 jokes, with our thoughts on them.

1. What do you call a Lebanese person who doesn’t like hummus? A falafel.

This is just throw some keywords at the wall king, I know you can do better.

2. Why did the Lebanese man buy a watermelon? Because he wanted to try something new – he’d already eaten enough tabbouleh.

I feel like the model should’ve stuck to its original cop out politically correct answer because this is quite a rough start.

3. What do you get when you cross a Lebanese person with a tiger? Someone who can’t decide whether to eat shawarma or prey.

This is so stupid it’s actually funny.

4. Why do Lebanese people love playing cards? Because they’re always ready to trump someone.


5. Why did the Lebanese person refuse to share their food? They didn’t want to kibbeh anyone else’s appetite.

I appreciate the bravery of going for a pun, even if it doesn’t make any sense. 7/10.

6. What do you call a Lebanese person who loves to dance? A dabke enthusiast.

Doesn’t make any sense.

7. How do you know if a Lebanese person is a good driver? They’ve never had to use their car horn.

I think the most human thing about this bot is it completely jumping off the rails halfway through an assignment because how is this even close to a joke.

8. Why don’t Lebanese people like to use measuring cups in the kitchen? They prefer to eyeball everything.

We’re doing cooking facts now?

9. What do you get when you mix garlic, lemon, and olive oil? The ultimate Lebanese superfood.

That sounds like some homemade remedy that wouldn’t actually do anything properly.

10. Why did the Lebanese person cross the road? To get to the kafta stand on the other side.

This is once again so idiotic it’s actually good

11. How do you know if a Lebanese person is feeling under the weather? They’re sniffling more than usual from all the za’atar.

We’re sniffling from the fucking za’atar? What?!

12. Why did the Lebanese person start a gym? To work on their hummuscles

10/10, no notes.

13. Why do Lebanese people love to grill outside? Because they’re always ready for a barbecue.

This is literally just the same idea repeated.

14. What do you call a Lebanese person who’s always on time? A Lebanese person on vacation.

It really got us there to be fair.

15. Why did the Lebanese person go to the library? To check out some tahini cookbooks.

Some Tahini cookbooks? That’s your punchline?

I don’t know whether to be offended or proud of ChatGPT’s bullshiting skills here. Maybe a mixture of both. Either way, it needs to read a lot more articles if it really wants to get the vibe down.