Bassel Obeid

10 Thoughts You Have During A Hook Up In Lebanon

Wait, you guys are hooking up? Lebanon’s fledgling dating scene is filled with its fair share of first date horrors, awkward moments, and plain stupidity.

Here are a few thoughts you’re bound to have when you hook up in Lebanon.

1. This could be a huge mistake, the best night, or just meh

I love to just spin the bottle with my fate…

2. That’s definitely not the way to do it

“You’re so hot”

3. What if [family member] walks in right now?

I’ve been moved out for years, this isn’t my home, they don’t know I’m here, but what if they’re on their way up the stairs.

4. Wait, are we family?

You better not be a fucking distant cousin or istg I’ll end it all.

5. This is an ugly ass room

“Ooh I love that poster”

6. That fucking cat better not be looking at me

Cat: looking

7. This is actually a nice neighborhood

Is there a scenario where I can keep the apartment?

8. I wonder what their generator hours are

Hey, stop trying that, it’s not working, ade el 5 amperes 3andkon?

9. I wonder what their stance on the next president is

I’m not gonna ask.

10. Does the natour know?

Oh he knows.