Yara Zeitoun

Yara Zeitoun

Yara is a yoga enthusiast and an opera-obsessed, 55 year old aspiring writer trapped in a 20-something-year-old body. With streaks of yellow and orange, Yara has an eye for all eccentric styles ranging from the antiquated yet thrifty 1700s, to the not-quite-hipster-but-“hipster” flair. (Although, this “fashionista” claims to actually steal all of her wild and carefree ideas from her younger sister.)

Constantly daydreaming about caressing soft surfaces or exploring the world, she lives without planning because she has new, sporadic goals every day. Aubergines, tofu, white tigers, and Mother Earth (in no particular order) will leave her wide-eyed and gushing with love.

Blog 25 Apr 2013

Bracelets in Beirut

Blog 02 Apr 2013

Bring on the 'Undercut'