Ghida Ladkani

12 Lebanese Expressions That Make No Sense In English

Lebanese people are known for being very expressive, but if you actually think about some of our expressions and their literal meanings, you’d find them very strange. Take a look.

1. Yo2borne

I love you so much, I hope you bury me.

2. Mahdoom

Funny = Digestable

3. Taybé

A hot woman is automatically a tasty dish, for some reason.

4. 3a Remshe Btemshe

You walk on my lashes, girl.

5. Tayaztello

I wanted to blow someone off, so I gave them my ass.

6. Ma Ele Nefes

I don’t have the spirit to eat, sorry.

7. Bsheel

I want to do this so hard, I will carry it!

8. 2oom Ne23od

Get up to sit down, bro.

9. Ta2 7anak

Because useless conversation breaks your jaw, 9 out 10 scientists agree.

10. Dammete, 3youni

I love you so much that you are my actual blood, my eyes even.

11. Ma Te3tal Ham

Don’t carry worry!

12. Laziz

There’s a running theme of equating nice people with their taste, for some reason.