Lama Hajj

16 Photos Of Stephanie Saliba, For No Reason Whatsoever

What can I say about Stephanie Saliba that hasn’t already been said about a Kardashian? Let’s start with how she describes herself on Instagram: Actress, Brand Ambassador, Presenter, Humanitarian. Yes. And I am a virgin and the lira is b alf kheir. Check out these sixteen photos of Saliba.


2. Queen of the lira…

3. Foxy has more secure bank bonds than we do.

4. I’m serious.

5. You have got to be.

6. “Yi hol mitel el kleib yally akalo Libnen”

7. Oh shit, put this photo here by accident…


8. When she supported the thawra, but only until the 23rd of October.

9. Gondola, why not? BECAUSE WE BROKE.

10. More Lira merch!

11. ~Someone~ didn’t send nice gifts on Christmas.

12. When you know el lira b alf kheir and you can just rest peacefully.

13. Signing bank docs with Gucci, Hermes, Stella, and Dior.

14. RIP Lira

15. No….comment….

16. Cheers, bitches!