
Every Politician In Lebanon (No Exceptions)

In light of recent events, we thought we’d remind you:

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) contributed to the economic crisis.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) stole public funds.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) bought houses, cars, land, vacations, and a future with YOUR money.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) at one point or another, voted to suppress your rights – telling you it was for your own good.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) started wars, conflicts, and civil strife to stay on top of the food chain.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) destroyed our environment for a fat check.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) neglected the people’s hunger and sorrow.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) used sectarian language to keep you afraid.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) ensured that we have no public spaces in Beirut.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) destroyed our shoreline.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) contributed (directly or indirectly) to the financial collapse.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) struck deals and brought in billions of dollars worth of funds that went right to their pockets.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) promised you electricity, running water, internet, and basic rights endlessly. But failed to deliver.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) dragged 45% of the Lebanese people below the poverty line.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) committed countless economic, social, financial, and environmental crimes because they simply do not care.

Every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions) will have no problem getting on a plane and jetting away while we pick up the pieces.

Abandon your political affiliations to every politician in Lebanon (no exceptions).