Lama Hajj

Haifa, Elissa, And Carole Samaha Come Out As Anti-Vaxxers

As the world prepares itself to receive the first doses of the much anticipated COVID-19 vaccine, anti-vaxxers have been relentless in making their voices heard.

Though celebrities do not have the requisite knowledge nor credibility to tell us how to regulate the medical profession, our local pop stars have not held back in making their opinions heard.

First up was the iconic Haifa Wehbe who did not go to medical school. She took to her Instagram stories to share text that was questioning the fact that after 40 years of research, we still do not have a vaccine for HIV or cancer yet a COVID-19 vaccine was developed in under a year.

Let us unpack this. 1. There isn’t just one type of cancer for us to vaccinate against, and each cancer differs in type and treatment. 2. We actually do have a cancer vaccine if you consider the preventative HPV vaccines that are shown to greatly reduce occurrence of cervical cancer. And 3. We don’t have an HIV vaccine because there haven’t been incentives to make one, but we do have things like PrEP that are preventative.

The fact is that most governments, scientific programs, and pharmaceutical companies have been tirelessly researching COVID-19 for the past year – all at the same time. This is unprecedented, thus the unprecedented result.

Then comes Elissa who definitely didn’t go to medical school, who “agrees 100%” with a video warning about the dangers of the vaccine altering our DNA. The author then admitted that the video was faulty and filled with misinformation.

Finally, we have Carole Samaha who, you guessed it, also did not attend medical school! Back in June, Samaha posted a tweet criticizing the possibility of a COVID-19 vaccine calling it the scam of the century, accompanied by the hashtag “no to vaccines” in Arabic.

She then took it around 900 steps further, claiming that a “high percentage of autism int he world is caused by the vaccine injected for children & filled with mercury” asking her followers to educate themselves.

So, there you go. Haifa, Elissa, and Carole don’t think you should take the vaccine. The World Health Organization, millions of doctors, millions of scientists, and many others in the medical field believe that you should.