Stuff We Love
Marianne Hassoun

18 Adorable Photos Of Lebanese Pets To Cleanse Your Timeline

Saying that Lebanon has been going through a rough patch is kind of an understatement.

To cleanse your timeline of all the terrible news happening, A Twitter user by the name of Kevin Baykr had a brilliant idea to let people share photos of their pets because that’s the only thing that could bring us joy right now.

(P.S if you’re not an animal lover, what are you even doing on our page?)

We’re here to continue that thread and give you 18 adorable pictures of Lebanese pets.

1. Phoebe, who has a wasta to be #1 because she’s our office dog.

2. How we would be sleeping iza ken fi kahraba.

3. Second photo is a big mood.

4. Marvel seems to have the time of his life.

5. Newit, the exquisite gentleman

6. Forget the laptop, give him cuddles.

7. Best Buds

8. Bella seems to stretch out all the pain away

9. Meet Nutmeg & Maverick

0. Molly definitely put a smile on our face

11. Give him attention!

12. Someone seems grumpy.

13. Loulou is even sick of this shit.

14. It’s the hat, THE HAT.

15. Shamshumi (مشمش) looks shocked!

16. Same here Pug Boi 🙁

17. Meet Moogi, Ashe, Dante

18. And our other favorite trio – Lucy, Pewee, and Lolly