Sarah Tarhini

9 Things Your Lebanese Situationship Says And What They Really Mean

Have you ever missed your partner who’s not actually your partner but is your partner? If so, you were probably led on in a murky situationship for a good 6 months or so, leaving you confused AF. Since the “we almost dated” relationships are one of the weirdest things to experience, here are 9 things you’ll hear in your Lebanese situationship and what they actually mean.

1. When they say: Sorry, I got busy”

It means: “I intentionally ignored you in the hopes that you would never message me again”

2. When they say: “Min X yale tsawarto ma3on?”

It means: “My ego is threatened, w meen ha ya3tine attention?”

3. When they say: “Ma bsheel relationships. Bheb hek to go with the flow”

It means: “I’m actually going to ghost you after this, la2ano in 6th grade my crush broke my heart and I’ll never get over it”

4. When they say: “Sem3in bshi esmo polyamory?”

It means: “Obviously msh waslin 3a matrah sawa, so why don’t we invite company over for fun?”

5. When they say: “Mmmm”

It means: “Ana hada ktir neshef bel haki la2ano ma 3inde shakhsiye, bas you’re only going to figure this out months later”

6. When they say: “Shu azdkon nahna shu hala2? Eh w eza sarlna 2 years”

It means: “You actually thought eno nahna msa7bin? I’m more unstable than the exchange rate”

7. When they say: “Eh w ento 3indkon hadan b hayetkon?”

It means: “Eh b3ref sarlna months sleeping sawa, bas khalas ro2o so2al 3ade, ma bada hl2ad”

8. When they say: “Wyd/3ndk snap?” texts at 12 AM

It means: “I’m only here for sex.”

9. When they say: “Wen mekhtefyin? Aymtn badna nshofak?”

It means: “7a dalne inconsistent and ignore your requests to hang out unless I’m bored”

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