Labib Mansour

8 Things Your Lebanese Mom Will Refuse To Let Go Of

Lebanese moms really love holding on to things, whether it’s sentimental things or blackmail-worthy information. How many of these things does your Lebanese mom still refuse to let go of?

1. That 12-year-old jacket that she refuses to throw away la2anno “barke 3ezneha”

It no longer fits you bas barke eben 3ammak byestafeed menna? W eza d3ofot? Never throw away ANYTHING.

2. That one embarrassing memory that she tells everyone at every family gathering so it haunts you for the rest of your life

It’s either she forgets that she told everyone about it already or she loves watching you squirm. It reminds you to know your place. Don’t mess with her.

3. Those Spinneys totes la2anno teta uses them when she packs 20 tupperwares of food for us

Not the normal kees that she repurposes as kyes zbele, the really big ones because “b daynoona mneeh”.

4. This halawa container that has been used to store many things since it was bought in 2012

Lebanese moms vs. repurposing everything.

5. The “3a ayemna” stories that she thinks are still relevant because they serve as humbling life lessons for her kids

Yes, please teach us how to dodge kazayef nehna w rayheen 3al madrase and how to make zebde w sekkar sandwiches la2annon atyab shi bel dene.

6. That one time you didn’t do the dishes the SECOND she asked you to so now you have to hear “mahada b se3edne bhal bet” for the rest of your life

And then she also tells the entire family eno ma hada b se3eda.

7. And that one time you tried to do chores to surprise her but ended up fucking up so badly that she told you “khalas ma badde tse3doone”

You can’t win.

8. The fact that you don’t like bemye and she makes it anyway “la2annak bet7ebba”

“Mama soret ayellik alf marra ma bekela”