Lojine Kamel

Petition Calling For Stop to Green Building Law Goes Viral

In an effort to amass 1000 signatures in hopes to stop the “Green Building” Law, an online petition was created that addresses nine offenses against the public.

Written by a group of urban planning professionals and academics, the main argument of the petition is that the law “increases building exploitation factors and will have significant negative impacts on the already deteriorated built and natural environments of Lebanon.”

Among the aggravated counts of offenses, the petition states that the law will cause higher population densities in already inflated areas of Lebanon, focus on profit instead of long-term livability, and lead to the eventual demolition of “heritage buildings”, among other valid points.

Over 400 people have already signed the petition, and unsurprisingly so. Its detailed argument brings to light key flaws in the so called “Green Building” law, and from the looks of things, it looks likes it is merely a clever ruse to gain profit under the facade of environmental activism. Which is something our government would have no qualms with doing.