Lojine Kamel

Global Peace Index Report Ranks Lebanon 142 of 162 Countries

Sandwiched between warring countries, barely out of its own civil war, and perilously floating in what seems like temporary calm, it’s no surprise that the Global Peace Index ranked Lebanon among the least peaceful countries in the world.

Currently pegged in the bottom 20 countries globally, Lebanon’s numbers are based off of three major facets: Militarization, Society & Security, and Domestic & International Conflict. In fact, Lebanon moved down 6 spots from last year, moving from 136 to 142.

Even worse, Lebanon is ranked behind almost every Arab country, with Qatar leading the Middle East at an impressive placement of 19. The UAE (36), Kuwait (37), Jordan (52), Morocco (57),and Saudi Arabia (97) all trail behind at decent rankings of their own.

Surprisingly, all of the above countries ranked above the U.S, which was given a rather mediocre spot at 99.

Like Lebanon, Egypt (113), Iraq (159), and Syria (160), all garnered very low scores, most likely due to their unsteady political regimes.

And in case you were interested, the top three most peaceful countries are listed as Iceland, Denmark and New Zealand, and the worst three, as Syria, Somalia, and Afghanistan.

Check out the full list of countries and their details here.