Lama Hajj

Myriam Klink Wears Nazi T-Shirt, Gets Banned From Facebook

Renowned astro-physicist and patron saint of intelligence Myriam Klink has done it again – “it” of course being that she’s managed to act like a complete moron.

No, wait. Even morons know better than to wear Nazi paraphernalia in 2016, right?

Here she is, in all her glory.

As a result of her dumb-fucked-ness, Myriam managed to get herself banned from Facebook for an entire month. That means one whole month of Myriam’s friends and family finally catching a break from her dumb as shit status updates. I can’t link any here since she’s been banned, but trust me – they suck dick.

The saddest part is that there are really two possibilities in this scenario: the first being that Myriam is a hardcore Nazi – her singing does have a concentration-camp vibe to it after all. But the second possibility is that she doesn’t even fucking know what a swastika is. That’s right. Good ole Myriam may very well have grabbed this t-shirt somewhere and thought “HOW CUTE! FOUR LINES MEETING IN A DIAGONAL-Y WAY, ADORBS!”

Which of these scenarios is worse? Who knows, who cares?