Christina Fakhry

The 10 Types Of Lebanese Snapchat Users

You liked our carefully researched stereotypical assessment of Lebanese people on LinkedIn, so we decided to do the same for Snapchat because we happen to listen to the people and all (also because it’s fun).
Disclaimer: some people’s Snapehaviors are just too complex to fit one category. Hybrid users can thus be identified as an amalgam of two or more classifications.

1. The Selfie Master

The most prevalent type among Lebanon’s female population hands down. Flawlessly pampered and always put together, these fortunate creatures never miss a chance to bestow their glamorous selfies upon fellow Snapchatters. And despite occasional attempts to dip into new filters, they remain religiously devoted to the celestial flower crown.

2. The Pet Custodian

From certified cat ladies to aspiring dog walkers, these fellas are psycho-emotionally wired to incorporate their four-legged friends into every other snap. Almost too furry to handle, their relationship with their pet is quite basically the perfect embodiment of your long-term relationship goals.

3. The Silent Lurker

They hardly post anything but are constantly creeping on everyone else’s snaps behind their screens. Feels awkward at first, yet Snapchat is just never complete without their ghostly presence.

4. The Moody Marvel

Outstandingly fickle and downright impulsive, it’s either they’re splurging 46,589 snaps in one day or straight up pulling off a five-month blackout. No in-between.

5. The Full-time Vacationist

The one person on your friends list who always seems to be on vacation, snapping from a different location every other week (and making sure to include the designated location in each of their snaps to stir your jealousy even more). Bathrobes, beautiful landscapes, and fine cuisine are major highlights of their Snapchat activity.

6. The Sticker Magnet

It doesn’t really matter what they’re posting because you can hardly ever see beyond their dramatic assortment of Snapchat stickers and Bitmojis anyway. They also dabble in drawing from time to time. Their Snaps are generally too visually crowded to decipher but you gotta give them credit for the artistic effort.

7. The Self-proclaimed Celebrity

The kings and queens of Snapchat. They’ve been around for so long and know the rules of the game by heart but can conversely get too carried away with their newfound fame at times (when your Snaps add up to a full-fledged reality show, it kinda becomes unexciting and even slightly alarming). Their Snapchat score could totally rival the federal budget of the United States.

8. The Amateur Gastronome

It’s all about food, appetizing or not. These people are often responsible for triggering your wildest cravings at the wrongest times.

9. The Everyday Raver

The party animal who leaves you seriously wondering whether they’re actually enjoying the party or just drunk-spapping their way through the night. Their Snapchat activity particularly intensifies on weekends.

10. The Chronic Complainer

No matter what this person is snapping, they just leave you perpetually baffled by their innate ability to creatively nag about it. TOO MUCH STUDIES OMG. DONE STUDYING OMG I’M BORED. PACKING FOR VACATION IS EXHAUSTING OMG. OMG VACATION IS OVER. THIS ARTICLE NEEDS TO END ALREADY OMG.