Katerina Hakmeh

Have You Heard Of This Abandoned Hotel In Bekfaya?

Now that spooky season is well underway, we thought it was the perfect time to investigate the story of this abandoned hotel in Bekfaya.

Owned by a businessman named Caesar Amer, Bekfaya’s The Amriyeh Hotel stood as one of Lebanon’s most important hotels for years. Once a grand touristic hotspot, the hotel turned into a spooky attraction following the war. It was previously known for its theater hall and large cinema, but now many rumors about it being haunted float around.

The hotel’s owner passed away as the civil war raged on, leaving the hotel abandoned and vulnerable to looters. It is said that many people hid in the hotel at the time, taking shelter from the ongoing battles.

If you ever decide to pay the hotel a visit, you’ll be met with an empty yet grand structure. In it you’ll find remnants of what used to be, with broken furniture and pictures of its golden age left behind.

It is also believed that there was once a fire in the hotel that destroyed luxurious items, important files, and most of its furniture. However, it remains a symbol of what Lebanon once was.

Locals said that if you go down the staircase that is between the hotel’s two buildings in the north wing, you’ll find a cave and series of tunnels that no one dares to enter.

Although not much remains from the hotel’s beautiful history, its haunting story lives on.