Taleen El Gharib

6 Hospitals At Risk Of Closing Due To Fuel Shortages

With the growing shortages in medicine, medical equipment, and fuel, hospitals have been struggling since the beginning of the crisis and the pandemic to provide citizens with the best healthcare services within their abilities.

However, due to the worsening conditions, the provision of basic healthcare services has become nearly impossible. Several sources have reported that six hospitals are at risk of shutting down due to fuel shortages, as they are unable to run their generators.

Just last month, the Sibline Governmental Hospital announced it would be shutting down due to the harrowing crisis. The hospital cited its inability to purchase basic necessities and medical equipment as primary reasons for this, as well as its inability to come up with the money needed to pay salaries. This is a huge blow to Lebanon’s already crumbling healthcare sector, and one that affects those who cannot afford private healthcare the most.

According to the Lawyard, Health Minister Hamad Hassan warned that the country might have another lockdown by the end of September if COVID-19 cases continue to rise at their current rate. Hospitals are unable to withstand the pressure of over capacitated hospital beds and COVID-19 units.